
Am nevoie urgent de traducere :  Edward Cole si Carter Chambers sunt doi barbati din medii sociale total diferite. Edward Cole este un om de afaceri cu o avere impresionanta, iar Carter este un mecanic auto foarte inteligent.Din cauza problemelor de sanatate,Carter se interneaza intr-un spital , al carui proprietar este Edward Cole . Intamplarea face ca cei doi sa fie colegi de salon, amandoi fiind intr-o situatie neplacuta: starea  terminala a cancerului.Chiar daca la inceput nu se accepta reciproc, dupa un timp se hotarasc sa foloseasca ultimele lor luni de viata pentru a face toate lucrurile pe care le doreau, conform unei liste de dorinte creata de ei. Avand in vedere ca dispuneau de foarte multi bani isi puteau permite orice . Pe parcursul acestor luni cei doi devin prieteni buni, se ajuta reciproc, si intr-un final isi gasesc fericirea in viata.

Răspuns :

Edward Cole and Carter Chambers are two men from totally different backgrounds. Edward Cole is a businessman with a fortune impressive, and Carter is a very inteligent.Din auto mechanic because of health problems, Carter hospitalized in a hospital, whose owner is Edward Cole. Happens that the two be room mates, both are in a predicament: state terminally cancerului.Chiar if at first we do not accept each other, after a while they decided to use their last months of life to do all things they wanted, according to a wish list created by them. Given that we have a lot of money could afford anything. During these months the two become good friends, help each other, and finally find their happiness in life.