
  Afara ningea era Craciunul.Copii alergau pe strazi .. toti erau fericiti,numai Jhon si Jane erau tristi, uitandu-se pe geamurile aburite si inghetate . nu puteau dezlega misterul -''Cine era Mos Craciun ? '' . si au plecat la Polul Nord..erau bucurosi de intalnirea cu Mos Craciun.
In sfarsit ajunsesera la fabrica mosului in orasul Los Angeles . 

Răspuns :

Was snowing outside Craciunul.Copii running the streets .. all were happy, only Jhon and Jane were sad, watching the windows steamed and frozen. could not unravel the mystery - '' Who was Santa Claus? '. and left the meeting happy Nord..erau Pole with Santa Claus.Finally they reached Santa's factory in the city of Los Angeles.
Outside it wwas snowing.It was the christmas.The children ran on the streets,all of them were happy,only John and Jane were sad,looking on the freezed and steamed windows.They couldn't realise the mistery"who was santa claus?'' and they went to the North Pole...they were happy to see Santa Claus.
Finnaly,they arrived at the factory of santa in  Los Angeles