
Complete the sentences with the correct question tag.
ex:You're Italian......?You're Italian,aren't you?
1.Nicola isn't Frech,...............?
2.Louise is staying at the hotel,.......................?
3.Tom wasn't at work yesterday,...................?
4.Jake doesn't  live in America,..........................?
5.You've been to Cornwall before,.....................?
6.Nicola can't play the piano,..................................?
7.There arent't any big rivers in Cornwall,......................?

Răspuns :



Complete the sentences with the correct question tag.

Completaţi propoziţiile folosind întrebările disjunctive corecte.

ex: You're Italian......? You're Italian, aren't you?

1. Nicola isn't Frech, ...............?

Nicola isn't Frech, is she?

2. Louise is staying at the hotel, .......................?

Louise is staying at the hotel, isn't she?

3. Tom wasn't at work yesterday,  ...................?

Tom wasn't at work yesterday, was he?

4. Jake doesn't  live in America, .......................?

Jake doesn't  live in America, does he?

5. You've been to Cornwall before, .................?

You've been to Cornwall before, haven't you?

6. Nicola can't play the piano, ............................?

Nicola can't play the piano, can she?

7. There arent't any big rivers in Cornwall, ......?

There arent't any big rivers in Cornwall, are they?



1. Question tags - verbul "to be"

  • You are at home, aren’t you?
  • David is a clever young man, isn’t he?
  • My parents weren’t curious, were they?

Atunci când subiectul este exprimat printr-un substantiv, identificăm pronumele personal care îl înlocuieşte. În cazurile de mai sus, "David" devine "he", iar "my parents" devine "they".

La fel se comportă verbul "to have" şi verbele modale:

  • Doris has a cat, hasn’t she?
  • The boy can swim, can’t he?

2. Question tags - verbul "to do"

Folosim verbul "to do" pentru formarea întrebărilor disjunctive atunci când propoziția are orice alt verb în afară de "to be", "to have" sau verbe modale.

  • Helen studies for her exams, doesn’t she?
  • You don’t like that book, do you?

Observaţii pentru orice formă a verbelor:

a. Atunci când propoziția e afirmativă, verbul din întrebarea disjunctivă va fi la forma negativă.

b. La fel vom proceda în cazul unei propoziţii negative - în întrebarea disjunctivă verbul va fi la forma afirmativă.