
 va rog ma puteti ajuta cu o compunere scurta in limba engleza  LIFE IS A JOURNEY

Răspuns :

 "We always say that we want to travel, to explore the world, but what we don't actually see, is that life itself is a journey. The fact that you're able to see the people, the little things around you, the coulours, the animals in their natural enviroment, it's also a journey. Not all of us are capable of doing this, and what makes it special, is that you can have your own idea about everything. It's just a matter of concept, and i'm lucky that i can "travel" all around this amazing world, just with my eyes and my mind. I'm lucky because I can see through the line."
 "Noi intotdeauna spunem ca vrem sa calatorim, ca vrem sa exploram lumea, dar ce nu vedem cu adevarat, este ca viata insusi este o calatorie. Faptul ca esti capabil sa vezi oamenii, sa vezi lucrurile mici care te inconjoara, culorile, animalele in mediul lor natural, este deasemenea o calatorie. Nu toti suntem capabili de asa ceva, si ceea ce face special e ca poti avea o idee proprie despre tot. Este doar o chestiune de concept a fiecaruia, si sunt norocoasa ca pot "calatori" prin lumea asta minunata, doar cu ochii si cu mintea. Sunt norocoasa pentru ca pot vedea dincolo de linie" 
M-am referit la modul metaforic, sper ca iti place.