
o conversatie intre elev si profesor pe tema ca elevul a avut un eseu la istorie dar nu la facut deoarece spune ca nu a avut timp ,dar profesoara ii dădu la dispozitie 2 saptamani sa il faca asa ca ea se infurie pe elev . 
 Trebuie sa fac un dialog intre cele doua persoane va rog ajutatima!!! 

Răspuns :

Student: Please excuse me for not doing my essay...
Teacher: And for what reason you didn't do it?
S.: I didn't have the time to do it...
T.: Whatever, you've got two more weeks to do it. But don't come over to me saying you didn't do it until then either, because I could easily fail you!
S.: Alright, thank you, I'll do the essay!