
E un pic cam exagerat dar am nevoie urgent de ajutor daca se poate sa imi traduceti va rog: This rabbit was put in a harness in order to stop it from moving.Then a substance was dripped slowly into its eyes.The damage was measured over a period of several days.A new cosmetics is being tested.
Cosmetics manufactures must make sure that their products are safe and won't cause eye or skin irritation.So,before a new cosmetics is sold,it is carefully tested,often on animals.In the skin irritancy test,the backs of rabbits or guinea pigs are shaved.The substances is then applied to the skin.Finally the damage to the skin is recorded.
The use of animals is research not new and it has made important contribution to the development of science.
Psychologist have learnt a lot about human behaviour from the observation of rats and dogs in laboratory conditions.
Research with dolphins has taught us about different aspects of communication.
However ,may people believe that animals shouldn't suffer for our vanity at the hands of the cosmetics industry.Cosmetics companies are being pressed by animal rights organisation to stop animal testing. Protesters are signing petitions,organising demonstration and buying only cosmetics that are not tested on animals.The pressure is having an effect.Scientists are developing a number of cruelty-free alternative tests.New eye irritancy tests are being done on laboratory dish rather that on anyone's eyes,and they are more accurate than the old ones.If research continues,animal testing for cosmetics will be a thing of the past.

Răspuns :

Acest iepure a fost pus intr-un ham, ca sa nu se miste.  Dupa care, o substanta i-a fost picurata incet in ochi. Degradarea s-a vazut pe parcursul a catorva zile. Produse cosmetice noi se testeaza. Fabricantii de produse cosmetice trebuie sa se asigure ca produsele lor sunt sigure si ca nu produc iritatii la piele sau la ochi. Deci, inainte ca produsele cosmetice sa se vanda , sunt testate, de multe ori pe animale. In testul de iritatii de piele se folosesc spatele ras la iepuri sau la porci guinea. Substantele sunt aplicate pe pielea lor. Intr-un final, se constata degradarea pielii lor.

Folosirea animalelelor in cercetari stiintifice nu este ceva nou si a facut o contributie importanta in dezvoltarea stiintei. Psihologii au invatat multe despre natura umana din observarea soarecilor si a cainilor din conditii de laboratoar. 

Cercetarea cu delfini ne-a invatat despre diferite aspecte ale comunicarii. Cu toate acestea, multi oameni cred ca animalele nu ar trebui sa sufere din cauza vanitatii noastre la mana industriei de cosmetice. Companiile cosmetice sunt presate de organizatiile de drepturile animalelor sa se opresca testarile pe acestea. Protestantii semneaza petitii, organizeaza demonstratii si cumpara produse cosmetice care nu au fost testate pe animale. Presiunea aceasta are un efect.  Oamenii de stiinta sunt in curs de dezvoltarea unui numar de teste alternative lipsite de cruzime fata de animale. 

Noul test pentru iritarea ochilor se fac intr-un vas decat pe ochii cuiva , sunt mult mai exacte decat testele vechi. Daca cercetarile continua, testarile de animale pentru produse cosmetice va fi ceva din domeniul trecutului.

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