
Acatuiti  propozitii  din  6  cuvinte  neregulate  la  comparativ  si  superlativ

Răspuns :

pentru comparativ : 
* Mike is taller than John ( Mike este mai inalt ca John )
*Mario is bigger than Roxa ( Mario e mai mare decat Roxa )
* Cat is prettier than duck ( Pisica e mai draguta decat rata)
* Mihaela is thiner than Alexandra ( Mihaela este mai slaba decat Alexandra)
* My dad is older than my mom ( Tatal meu este mai invarsta decat mama mea )
*He is shorter than Daniel  ( El este mai scund decat Daniel) 

pentru superlativ:
#  She is the youngest of all ( Ea e cea mai tanara dintre toti)
# He is the tallest ( El este cel mai inalt )
# Tom is the oldest ( Tom e cel mai batran )
# The yellow box is the lightest ( Cutia galbena este cea mai usoara)
# The plane is the fastest ( Avionul este cel mai rapid )
#Cat is the prettiest of all animals ( Pisica este cea mai draguta dintre toate animalele )
1.She's better than you. Her older brother is the best. 2.That thing you've done is the worst thing ever. Not reading is worse than chewing gum all the time. 3. Most of the time I am at school, so don't call me. More you learn at Maths, better you'll be.