
Imi poate explica cineva present perfect simple and continuous si past tense simple and past tense continuous?

Răspuns :

Past tense simple 
 ----->regular verbs : -d , -ed 
--------> iregular verbs 
Past continuous 
to be (Past simple) + verbul-ing 
Present perfect simple: il folosim cand vorbim despre actiuni care au inceput in trecut si s-au terminat in prezent.
de ex,: I have painted the room. (=the room is now painted). Deci am inceput sa vopsesc camera in trecut dar ACUM ea este vopsita gata.
La present perfect simple se folosesc si "prepozitile" ajutatoare, dupa care iti dai seama ca e present perfect simple, cele mai uzuale sunt : just , alredy , yet.
I have just painted the room. ( Tocmai ce am vopsit camera)
I have already painted the room ( Deja am vopsit camera)
haven't painted the room yet ( Inca nu am vopsit camera) Yet- se foloseste cu forma negativa.

Present perfect continous: - o actiune care a inceput in trecut si continua in prezent.
de ex : I have been painting the room for 2 hours( vopsesc camerele de doua ore->inca nu am terminat de vopsit,)

Pasti simple - o actiune care a inceput in trecut si s-a terminat tot in trecu
subiect + verb la forma a2-a sau -ed
se precizeaza cand.
I have painted the room a week ago.
I wasn't at school 2 days ago

Past continous - imperfectul in limba romana
Wr were eating the dinner when she entered the room. (Noi mancam cina cand ea a intart pe usa.

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