
1.Scrieti  urmatoarele propozitii in engleza:Un ospatar nu vinde fructe si legume. El serveste mancare si bauturi.2.Un brutar coace paine si bauturi.3.Cine poarta o geanta mare si ia scrisorile de la casele oamenilor.4.O asistenta nu repara masini.Ea ajuta oamenii bolnavi.5.Tu unde lucrezi?Eu lucrez intr-un garaj si repar masini.6.Sora mea vinde fructe si legume la aprozar.Va rog frumos

Răspuns :

1. A waiter does not sell fruit and vegetables. He serves food and beverage.
2. A baker bakes break and cakes.
3. Who wears a big bag and collects the letters from people's houses?
4. A nurse does not mend/fix cars. She helps sick/ill people.
5. Where do you work? I work at a garage and I mend/fix cars.
6. My sisters sells fruit and vegetables at the greengrocer's.