
Rog pe cineva sa-mi traduca in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:1.Melisa vine in fiecare zi la scoala.Melisa nu vine la scoala in fiecare zi.  2.Ea si-a facut tema la engleza.Ea nu si-a facut tema la engleza.  3.Colega mea scrie foarte frumos.Colega mea nu scrie foarte frumos.  4.Am facut tema pentru astazi impreuna cu Melisa, colega mea de banca.Nu am facut tema impreuna cu Melisa,colega mea de banca  5.Ma inteleg bine cu colegul meu de banca.Nu ma inteleg bine cu colegul meu de banca.  6.Flavius este un elev silitor.Flavius nu este un elev silitor.  7.El locuieste la bloc.El nu locuieste la bloc.  8.Merg impreuna cu Flavius la cinematograf.Nu merg impreuna cu Flavius la cinematograf.

Răspuns :

Melisa Not vine to school every day. 2.Ea and - a Ro : Not engleza.Ea homework - the theme Ro : in Romanian . I write my very frumos.Colega 3.Colega not write very nice . 4.Am Ro : Topic Along with Melisa price Today , my colleague banca.Nu I Ro : Topic Melisa Together with my colleague 5.Ma bank along well with my colleague banca.Nu I get along well with my colleague the bank. UN 6.Flavius ​​student is silitor.Flavius ​​UN is not good student . 7.El lives in bloc.El not living in the block. Together with the cinematograf.Nu 8.Merg Flavius ​​Flavius ​​go along with the cinema .
1.Melisa comes every day to scoala.Melisa not coming to school every day. 2.Ea hasmade subject to engleza.Ea not made subject to English. I write my very frumos.Colega 3.Colega write not very nice. 4.Am made theme for today with Melisa, my colleague banca.Nu theme I made with Melisa, my colleague 5.Ma bank along well with my fellow banca.Nu I get along well with my colleague from the bank. 6.Flavius is a student silitor.Flavius is not a good student. 7.El lives in bloc.El not living on the block. 8.Merg with the cinematograf.Nu Flavius Flavius go along with the movies.