
Traduceti in engleza aceste doua texte:

PRIMAVARA ESTE CEL MAI frumos anotimp.Zapada se topeste
treptat.Soarele straluceste pe cer pasarelele se intorc din tarile calde.Florile
multicolore isi fac aparitia aducand bucurie.Copacii infloresc raspndind un
miros frumos. Natura se trezeste la viata,.         Al doilea text:Fulgii de zapada isi fac aparitia.Acest anotimp este iarna.Copii isi pregatesc saniutele pentru derdelus si fac oameni de zapada.Toate casele scot fum de pe horn si sunt acoperite de un strat moale de nea.

Răspuns :

Spring is the most beautiful season.The snow is melting slowly. The sun is shining on the sky.The birds return from the warm countries. The colourful flowers show up bringing joy. The trees are blossoming sending out a nice odor. The nature wakes up.

The snowflakes show up.It's winter.The children prepare their sleighs and make snowmen.All the houses pull out smoke form the horns and are covered by a soft layer of snow.

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