
Era o zi de toamna rece, in fata mea se zarea in peisaj foarte frumos de toamna , pomi erau aproape goi , frunzele cadeau una cate una formand o patura aurie ce acoperea pamantul rece . Din cand in cand mai vedeai o floare inflorita . Daca ieseai afara pe sirea spinari iti apare un fior ,puteai auzi sunetul raului rece , ce curgea lin ,afara este din ce in ce mai frig si razele soarelui te mai incalzeau putin . Crengile pomilor erau batrane si uscate din cand in cand o creanga se mai rupea si se izbea de pamantul rece . Gospodari isi adunau roadele de pe camp si din gradina . Copii se pregatesc de scoala . Animalele isi pregatesc vizuinile pentru iarna se sarbatoreste halloweenul . Frunzele devin colorate iar copacii devin goi . Zilele sunt din ce in ce mai scurte . Gospodinele isi umplu camara cu dulceata si muraturi . Imi place toamna pentru ca culorile ei sunt frumoase . Este foarte dragut cand vezi pomi auri si frunzele care fac o patura aurie ce acopera pamantul rece . traduceti in Engleza va rog mult 

Răspuns :

It was a cold autumn day in front of my horizon in beautiful autumn landscape, trees were almost bare, the leaves were falling one by one to form a blanketgold that covered the cold ground. From time to time see a flower bloom. If you went out on the backs finding appears a thrill, you could hear the sound of the cold river, flowing smoothly out is becoming colder and sun yourself a little toasty. The branches of the trees were old and dry occasionally longer a branch broke and struck the cold ground. Householders gather their fruits of the field and garden. Children are ready for school. Animals are preparing for winter dens celebrating Halloween. The leaves are colored and the trees are bare. The days are becoming shorter. Housewives fill their pantry with jam and pickles. I love autumn colors because they are beautiful. It is very nice when you see trees gild and make a blanket golden leaves covering the cold ground