
Traduceti-mi va rog in engleza textul:

Draga jurnalule,
Astazi am fost la scoala si te-am prezentat profesoarei de limba engleza. S-a bucurat vazandu-te atat de mic si de frumos. Lasand la o parte scoala, dupa ce am ajuns acasa la ora 13:30 am stat in pat pana la ora 16:00 si m-am uitat la televizor: dupa care m-am apucat de teme.
Evident nu toata ziua am facut teme, am stat si cu Denisa (prietena mea cea mai buna), a fost o zi obisnuita dar si distractiva pentru ca DEnisa este o companie placuta care iti aduce mereu zambetul pe buze!!!


Răspuns :

Dear diary.
Today I went to school and I presented you to the english teacher.She was happy seeing you so small and nice.Beside school,after I got home at 13:30 I stayed in bed untill 16:00 and I watched T.V. : after that I started my homework.
Obviously, I didn`t do homework all the day, I stayed with Denisa (my best friend), it was a casual day but exciting as well, because Denisa is a lovely presence who puts a smile on your face everytime!!!