
open the brackest   paying   attention  to the  collective  nouns .Use both variants  where it is possible 
a) rhe crew (is , are) waiting  for istructions from the   captain.
b)A flock  of  sheep(is seen /are seen  in the field.
c)Our school  team (us , are   winning..
d)the police   (has caught , have  caught )the  murderer
e)Swarms of bees (was flying  / were flying) ever where 
f)A pack  of wolves (is seen /are seen ) in the distance.
h)Clothes (is made / are made ) of various materials such  as wool  or cotton .
g)the cattle (is , are) in the shed .
i)There (is , are) usually manay  goods  in the departament  store .
h)The sweepings (is ,are)  always  seen  in her roomwhenever you enter iti