
Va rog traduceti acest text in limba engleza:
Intr-o zi de iarna,baronii si cavalerii au gasit in curtea unei biserici din Londra o sabie intr-o piatra. Cel care o scotea era regele Angliei.
In ziua de Anul Nou au venit mii de oameni. Multi au incercat dar nu au reusit. Arthur a incercat si o scoase. El atunci aflase de la tatal sau ca e fiu de rege si ca este adoptat.
Astfel Arthur deveni regele Angliei.

Răspuns :



On a winter day, the barons and the knights found in the courtyard of a church in London a sword stuck in a stone. The one who could have pulled it off would have become the king of England.

Thousands of people came on the New Year's Day. Many of them tried it, but they were insuccessful. Arthur tried it and he succeed to pull out the sword. He had just found out from his father that he was a king's son and that he had been adopted.

This is how Arthur became King of England.