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Ralph is an attractive boy and a natural leader, the sort of intelligent, well-adjusted, athletic boy who easily might become the idol of his schoolmates. We meet him in the first chapter as he leads the way out of the jungle while Piggy lumbers after him. That he is fair-haired suggests that he is a child of fortune, one who is blessed by nature with grace, strength, and luck. There is recklessness to his manner. He seems happy at the prospect of living on a deserted island, away from the influence of adults. The setting fosters dreams of heroic adventure in which he is the protagonist. He will overcome all of the difficulties present in his surroundings, lead a joyously exciting jungle life, than optimistically await a glamorous rescue by his naval-officer father. Unfortunately, his dreams are frustrated when nature and his fellow youths refuse to cooperate with his romantic vision. And, as his dream becomes more difficult of attainment, he loses confidence and calmness and begins to indulge himself in escape fantasies and dreams of the past. 
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Răspuns :

Ralph este un baiat atractiv si de la natura un lider , tipul de copil inteligent , bine ajustat,atletic, care poate deveni cu usurinta idolul colegilor sai.Il intalnim in primul capitol cand iese din jugla in timp ce Piggy il urmareste.Faptul ca este blond sugereaza ca este un copil binecuvantat,  dotat de la natura cu gratie , putere si noroc.El pare multumit cu ideea de a trai pe o insula pustie , departe de autoritatea adultilor.El viseaza la aventuri eroice in care el este personajul principal.El va trece peste toate dificultatile din jurul sau, traind o viata captivanta in jungla si asteptand cu optimism o salvare glorioasa de la tatal sau , ofiter naval. Din pacate ,visurile sale sunt spulberate cand natura si tinerii sai colegi refuza sa coopereze cu viziunea sa . Si visurile sale devin mai greu de atins, el isi pierde increderea si calmul si ca sa evadeze incepe sa-si induca fantezii si visuri din trecut.