Răspuns :
1. In timp ce spăla mașina, ne povestea întâmplări din adolescenta lui dureroasa.
While he was washing the car, he was telling us happenings from his painful adolescence.
2. Știam ca trebuie sa-l incurajez, dar nu credeam în succesul afacerii sale.
I knew I had to encourage him, but I didn't belive in his business success.
3. L-ar recunoaște doar dacă i-ar auzi vocea.
He would recognize him only if he heard his voice.
4. A fost intrebat unde a absolvit liceul.
He was asked where he had graduated from highschool.
5. Lumea venea adesea sa-l audă cântând.
People would often come to hear him singing.
6. Dupa ce vei termina romanul acela, îți voi împrumuta altul.
After you finish that novel, I will lend you another one.
7. Mi s-a reproșat ca nu acord suficienta atenție familiei mele.
I was reproached that I didn't pay enough attention to my family.
8. Imediat ce a ajuns la birou, a luat telefonul și a sunat la politie.
As soon as he arrived at the office, he took the telephone and called up the police.
9. Lucrau împreuna patru ani, când au descoperit ca aveau stiluri diferite.
They had worked together for five years when they discovered that they had different styles.
10. In cazul în care îl vei vedea pe Paul, transmite-i ca fotografiile lui sunt la mine.
In case you see Paul, let him know that his photographs are with me.
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