
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
In spring everything wakes up and looks new and delightful.Leaves start growing on the trees, flowers appear everywhere. The animals that sleep all winter come out of their holes. Birds arrive from warm countries. It is the time to plant vegetables and flowers.The soil is soft and it is getting warm.
In summer the sun is hot and bright. Flowers get bright and fruits get ripe. Birds sing and everything grows. It's time to have vacation.
autumn is harvest time. People gather and store the last crops. Some animals grow thicker coats. Other animals store food for winter. Leaves fall to the ground.
In winter gardens, fields and meadows rest under the snow. They wait for the warm spring. Many animals sleep in their holes. This is the time of the year when nights are very long and days are short.

Răspuns :

Sunt patru anotimpuri intr-un an: primavara, vara, toamna si iarna.
Primavara totul se trezeste si arata nou si placut. Frunzele incep sa creasca in copaci, florile apar peste tot. Animalele care dorm toata iarna ies afara din gaurile lor (culcusurile lor). Pasarile sosesc din tarile calde. Este timpul de plantat legume si flori. Solul este moale si se face cald.
Vara soarele este fierbinte si luminos. Florile stralucesc si fructele se coc. Pasarile canta si totul creste. Este timpul sa luam vacanta.
Toamna este timpul recoltelor. Oameni aduna si inmagazineaza ultimele culturi. Unele animale isi cresc haine mai groase. Alte animale înmagazinează mancare pentru iarna. Frunzele pica pe pamant.
Iarna gradinile, campurile si pajiștile se odihnesc sub zapada. Asteapta primavara. Multe animale dorm in gaurile lor. Aceasta este prioada din an in care noptile sunt foarte lungi iar zilele scurte.