
Nelson was a skilul and earless commander en- joying great love and devotion rom the men who served under him. Tey respected Nelson so much that they were ready to die or him. He used to take calculated risks and never ailed. H. Nelson ought or England or the last time in 1805, as Commander-in-Chie o the British na- val orces conronting France and Spain at Cape raalgar (capul raalgar/мыс Трафальгар), the most south-westerly point o Spain. Under Nelson’s indication, the well known sign: “England expects that every man ought to do his duty” was put up on the agship. Nelson, standing on the deck
o the ship, at a moment, a musket ball (glonte de intă/мушкетная пуля), red rom a French ship, struck him and pierced one o his lungs. He was mortally wounded and died a ew hours later. Beore he died he realized his naval orces had won a great victory. And that brought him ame.In his memory, a tall column with Nelson’s statue on its top stands in raalgar Square in London.Nelson was buried in the Crypt o St. Paul’s Cathedral.


A) Where did Nelson ’s rst battle take place?
b) What did the soldiers respect Nelson or?
c) Where is Cape raalgar?
d) What Nelson’s well known words were written on the agship?
e) Where can people see his monument?

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Răspuns :

A. Nelson's last battle took place at Cape Trafalgar (the most south-western point of Spain).
B. His soldiers respected him for being skillful and fearless. He used to take calculated risks and he never failed.
C. Cape Trafalgar is the most south-western point of Spain.
D. His words were: “England expects that every man ought to do his duty"
E. His monument can be seen in Trafalgar Square, in London. His monument is a column with Nelson's statue on its top.