
Traducetimi va rog frumos !!Urgent!!
But the boy stayed away for a long time .When he came back , the tree was so happy she could hardly speak . " Come , Boy , " she whispered , " come and play . " " I am too old and sad to play , " said the boy . " I want a boat that will take me far away from here . Can you give me a boat ? " And after a long time the boy came back again . " I am sorry , Boy , " said the tree , " but I have nothing left to give you . My apples are gone . " " My teeth are too weak for apples , " said the boy . " My branches are gone , " said the tree . " You cannot swing on them " . " I am too old to swing on branches , " said the boy . " My trunk is gone , " said the tree . " You cannot climb " . " I am too tired to climb " said the boy . " I am sorry " , sighed the tree . " I wish that I could give you something but I have nothing left . I am just an old stump . " I am sorry , I don't need very much now ," said the boy . " Just a quiet place to sit and rest . I am very tired . " " Well , " said the tree , straightening up as much as she could . " Well , an old stump is good for sitting and resting . Come , Boy , sit down . Sit down and rest . " And the boy did . And the tree was happy .

Răspuns :

Dar baiatul a fost plecat pentru mult timp.Cand sa intors , copacul era asa de bucuros incat deabea putea vorbi"Haide baiete" a soptit "hai si joaca-te". "Sunt prea batran si trist ca sa ma joc" spuse baiatul."Vreau o barca,care ma va duce departe de aici.Poti sa-mi dai o barca?"Dupa un timp baiatul s-a intors"Imi pare rau baiete"a spus copacul "dar nu mai am nimic sa iti dau.Merele mele au disparut.". "Dintii mei sunt prea batrani pentru mere"a spus baiatul."Crengile mele s-au dus"a spus copacul "Nu te mai poti legana pe ele" . "Sunt prea batran ca sa ma legan pe crengi"spuse baiatul. "Trunchiul meu a disparut" spuse copacul "nu te mai poti catara" . "Sunt prea obosit ca sa ma catar" spuse baiatul. "Imi pare rau" ofteaza copacul."Mi-as dori sa iti pot da ceva dar nu mai am nimic.Sunt batran. "Imi pare rau,nu am nevoie de foarte mult acum."spuse baiatul."Doar un loc linistit sa ma odihnesc"."Pai." spuse copacul indreptandu-se cat de mult putu. "Pai un butuc batran e bun pentru odihna.Haide,baiete,stai jos.Stai jos si odihneste-te." Si baiatul asa facu.Copacul era fericit.