
Traduceti în română : Robin Hood and the Black Cloak

In the years of King Richard the Lionheart (1189-1199) there lived a brave and intelligent man called Robin Hood. He was a feared outlaw, who loved liberty and hated oppression. He took the law into his own hands and robbed the rich to give to the poor. People loved him and thought of him as a justice-maker. In time he acquired a heroic reputation and came to represent the ideal of heroism of his age.
Stories about him and his closest friends Friar Tuck, Little John, and Maid Marian may be found in the time. They say that Robin Hood and his companions lived in Sherwood Forest, near Nottingham. They were called the merry men’ and used to wear green clothes, a particular shade of green, called Lincoln green’. They also say that Robin’s outlaws were very well-organized and skilful in their attacks. They were very disciplined and obeyed strict rules of behaviour.

Răspuns :

Robin Hood si Pelerina Neagra
In anii regelului Richard Inima de Leu (1189-1199) traia un om curajos si inteligent pe nume Robin Hood. Era un haiduc temut, care iubea libertatea si ura asuprirea. A luat legea in mainile lui si ii jefuia pe cei bogati ca sa le dea saracilor. Oamenii il iubeau si il considerau un justitiar. In timp a dobandit o reputatie de erou si a ajuns sa devina idealul de eroism din timpul sau.
Povesti despre el si prietenii sau apropiati: Parintele Tuck, Micul John, si fecioara Mariana pot fi gasite in decursul timpului. Acestea povesteau ca Robin Hood si tovarasii sai locuiau in padurea Sherwook, langa Nottingham. Erau numiti "barbatii veseli" si obisnuiau sa poarte haine verzi, o anumita nuanta de verde, numita "verde Lincoln" [e o nuanta de verde kaki]. Acestea povesteau  de asemenea ca haiducii lui Robin erau foarte bine organizati si priceputi in atacurile lor. Ei erau foarte disciplinati si se conformau cu strictete la regulile de comportament.