
traduceti in engleza
Imi amintesc de o zi de vara din anul trecut. era foarte cald si eram foarte obosit . dupa amiaza pe la ora 3 a inceput sa bata vantul si sa ploua torential . apoi ploaia s-a transformat intr-o furtuna cu tunete , fulgere si grindina . a plouat cam doua ore. mie imi place cand ploua cu galeata dar multora nu le place

Răspuns :

I remember a summer day from last year. It was very hot and I was tired. Afternoon at 3 o'clock the wind started blowing and the torrential rain. Then the rain became a storm with thunder, lightning and hail. It rained like 2 hours. I like when it rains with cats and dogs (e o expresie) but a lot of people don't like it.