
O scrisoare in engleza in care sa-mi invit o prietena la ziua mea de nastere, neaparat dupa modelul:
- adresa expeditorului... (nu conteaza)
- adresa destinatarului (nu conteaza)
- data (nu conteaza)
- formula de introducere (dear Mihaela...si atat, nici asta nu conteaza :) )
- primul paragraf care contine numele expeditorului si subiectul scrisorii)
- al 2-lea paragraf care contine motivul pentru care redactam scrisoarea
- formula de incheiere (with best wishes, with love, much love, Kisses, your friend...etc)

Credeti ca m-ati putea ajuta? Multumesc! Nu trebuie sa fie chiar asa de lunga, de vreo 5 randuri.
P.S: Daca nu stiti, nu scrieti. doar cine se pricepe. 24 puncte. multumesc.

Răspuns :

Emily de Winter
The Pines
Northampton  NN2 8QS

                                             Ms. Jenny Phillips
                                             Hook, Hampshire RG27 8AS

Dear Jenny,

Subject: Invitation to Emily's anniversary

My mother has finally decided to celebrate my 18th anniversary. I feel so
happy. It will be a great party, with lots of people whom I don't know. It seems that there will be invited Dad's direct subordinates together with their families (I don't know why, but it seems it will be a great social event !).

Jenny dear, I have the great honor of officially inviting you to my birthday party. It will be held on December 19th, at the residence of Sir Percival de Winter. The special guest are invited to arrive as early as possible (!) (so I will send my Dad's car to pick you at 3 p.m.

Please tell your dear Mother that she will receive an official invite from my parents, and ask her to come with you.

I am looking forward to welcoming both of you here!

Yours sincerely


December 1st, 2015