
Traduceti in romana. Dar nu cu google translate va rog .

INTRODUCTION: Last summer I was with my family in the Mamaia resort, at the sea. In one of days, they were organizated on the beach more competitions for children. They made two teams with more children, among which I was.

MAIN BODY: At the first contest I sat in one box and I was pulled of the other children on sand , twenty metres until when we arrive at water. While my teammate pulls me , box was broke and I rolled trough the sand and everyone laughed of me.

CONCLUSION: As punishement I was trwon into the water with a life preserver. It is true that my team did not win, but we got a prize for every child because we attended. It was the beautiful and funny this summer and we had fun.

Răspuns :

Vara trecuta am fost cu familia la Mamaia,la plaja.Intr-una dintre zile,la plaja au fost organizate mai multe competitii pentru copii.Au facut doua echipe,si eu am fost intr-una.
La primul concurs am stat pe o cutiesi am fost tras de colegii mei pe nisip douazeci de metri,pana am ajuns la apa.In timp ce colegii mei ma trageau,cutia s-a rupt,eu am cazut in nisip si toata lumea a ras de mine.
Ca pedeapsa,am fost aruncat in apa cu un colac de salvare.Este adevarat ca echipa mea n-a castigat,insa iecare copil a castigat un premiu pentru ca a participat.Vara aceasta a fost frumaosa si amuzanta si ne-am distrat.

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