
Traduceti in engleza:
Voi vorbi despre Scotia prin doua intrebari. Prima intrebare este "De ce poarta scotienii kilt-uri?". Raspunsul este ca, in trecut, imparatul Hadrian a construit un zid pentru a-si proteja poporul de invazii. In spatele zidului traiau doar tarani foarte saraci care nu aveau cu ce sa se imbrace. Acestia purtau o bucata de material de 6 metrii cu o centura. Acesta era kilt-ul.
Si a doua intrebare este "De ce este considerat cimpoiul un simbol al Scotiei? Ce este acest instrument". Se crede că la origine cimpoiul avea doar un fluier ulterior fiind adaugat cel de-al doilea aproximativ anul 1500.cimpoiul ocupa un loc bine definit la nunţi şi petreceri.Nu avem scrieri suficiente despre el. Nu existau şcolii unde să se înveţe folosirea acestui instrument.
Deci, cand eu ma gandesc la Scotia, ma gandesc la kilt si cimpoi, si acum stiu mai multe lucruri despre asta..

Răspuns :

I will talk about Scotland asking two questions. The first one is 'Why do the Scotland people wear kilts?'. The answer is, long ago, the emperor Hadrian had built a bridge for protecting his people from any attacker. Behind the bridge there were living two very poor peasants who hadn't had anything to wear. Those were wearing a piece of cloth with the length of 6 meters tied with a belt. This was the kilt. And the second question I want to ask is Why is the bagpipe considered a symbol of Scotland? And what is this instrument?' People believe that at the beginning the bagpipe had only a flute and after a while the second was added in the year 1500. The bagpipe was a essential part of parties and weddings. We don't have enough written materials about it. There were no schools where children could learn about this instrument.
In the conclusion, when I'm thinking about Scotland, I'm thinking of the kilt and the bagpipe and now I now more about these things.