
Traduceti textul:
Here we are! England in the winter. The sky's grey and it's cold and dark by four o'clock. Well, this in home! Welcome to 24 Park Road,Peter.
Two days later, Peter in at school.
Right, what's your address?
It's 24 Park Road, Woodford.
Fine! You're in Class 4. Your class teacher is Mrs King. Here's your timetable. In the afternoon you've got Special Enghlish. Any questions? No. Good morning, class. We've got a new student this morning. His name's Peter Jones. Hi! I'm Rob... And I'm Kim! Shh! Now turn to page three in your maths books.
It's half past twelve.
Who's the boy near the door?
Oh! His name's Darren.
He's in Class 5 and he's trouble.
Well,well,well. It's Kim and Rob. And you've got a new friend! Ah yes, you're the boy from Africa.
It's the bell.
Ok, go to class but see me here at 4 o'clock.
I'm the boss, that's why.

Răspuns :

Iata-ne aici!Anglia iarna.Cerul este cenusiu,e frig si intuneric de la ora 4.Ei bine aceasta este acasa.Bun venit in 24 Park road Peter! 
Doua zile mai tarziu Peter la scoala
Bine care este adresa ta?
Este 24 Park Road Woodford
Bine esti in clasa 4,Invatatoarea ta este d-na king.Uite orarul tau.Dupa amiaza ai engleza speciala.Ai intrebari?Nu
Buna dimineata clasa.Avem un elev nou in aceasta dimineata.Numele lui este Peter jons.Buna sunt Rob!..Si eu sunt Kim!sst acum intoarceti  pagina 3 in manualele voastre de matematica.
Este 12 jumatate
cine este baiatul de langa usa?
oh numele lui este Daren
Este in clasa a 5 si este problematic
Ei,ei ,ei,.Este Kim si Rob si aveti un nou prieten A da tu esti baiatul din Africa
Este clopotelul
ok.du-te in clasa si ne intalnim aici la 4
de ce?
eu sunt seful de aceea