
Traduceti invitatia asta in egleza va rog:
Draga prietene,
Te invit la ziua mea , pe data de 23 august la mine acasa. Petrecerea va avea loc la ora 13:00. Se vor servi diferite mancaruri,bauturi. Vom juca foarte multe jocuri amuzante printre care: ''Ratele si vanatorii'' , ''De-a v-ati ascunselea'' etc. Va exista si muzica ,bineinteles,care de care mai frumoasa.Te astept!
Cu drag, aici numele meu..

Răspuns :

Dear friend,
I invite you to my birthday, on the 23rd august at my home. The party will take place at 1 pm. There will be a lot of food,drinks. We'll play many fun game like: "Ducks and hunters", "Hide and seek" etc. There will also be music, of course, each more beautiful. I'm waiting for you!

Dear friend,
I invite you to my birthday,on August 23 at my house.The party will take place 13:00.It will serve different foods , drinks.We play many fun games including : "Ducks and hunters", "hide-and-seek" etc.There will music,of course,each more beautiful. I'm waiting for you!
                                                                    Love,numele tau aici
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