
Traduceti din Engleză in Română:
'That's Earth!' said Lovell to his crew . 'We must prepare to land'. Firs the astronauts had to separate the service module from Aquarius and the command module . After that they watched the service module disappear in the distance . Next they had to face another problem > that of re-entering the Earth's atmosphere , which was not easy at all .They could burn if something went wrong , but naturally , no one was talking about that . Finally they decidd to use the remaining oxygen in the command module and to abandon Aquarius because they did not want to die in it.
2. They were falling in their module at about 15 000 miles per hour . First they lost all radio contact . After that the speed increased to 20 000 miles an hour . Next some flames appeared.
On Earth everybody was worried about Apollo 13 , but they could not help . While they were all waiting nervously , the command module with its giant white and orange parachutes splashed into the sea . Finally the astronauts were picked up from the ship . They were all alive and well tanks to Aquarius

Răspuns :

"Acesta este Pamantul!"a spus Lovell catre echipajul lui."Trebuie sa ne pregatim de aterizare".Prima data,astronautii au trebuit sa separe modulul de serviciu din Aquarius si modulul de comanda.Dupa aceea ei au privit modulul de servicii disparand in zare.Apoi,au trebuit sa infrunte inca o problema > aceea de re-intrare in atmosfera Pamantului,ceea ce nu a fost usor de loc.Puteau sa arda daca ceva mergea prost,dar in mod natural,nimeni nu vorbea despre asta.In final au decis sa foloseasca oxigenul ramas in modulul de comanda si sa abandoneze Aquarius deoarece nu voiau sa moara in el.
2.Ei cadeau,in modulul lor,cu o viteza de aproximativ 15 mii de mile pe ora.Prima data au pierdut intreg contactul radio.Dupa aceea viteza s-a marit la 20 de mii de mile pe ora.
Apoi niste flacari au aparut.
Pe Pamant toata lumea era ingrijorata de Apollo 13,dar nu puteau ajuta.
In timp ce asteptau toti tensionati,modulul de comanda cu parasutele sale albe si portocalii uriase,cazu in mare.In final astronautii au fost ridicati de pe vas.Erau toti vii si intr-o stare buna,multumita lui Aquarius.