
Traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
Intr-o dimineata de duminica in timp ce ma jucam cu verisorii mei langa rau am vazut doi oameni pescuind in doua barci cu motor.
Unul dintre ei purta un tricou cu maneca lunga si niste blugi negri.
Celalalt avea bocanci si o pelerina de ploaie .
In timp ce prindeau pesti le-am facut o vizita si am rugat sa-mi de-a niste pesti de oarece imi placeau si imi erau foame.
Cei doi au zambit si in cele din urma mi-au dat o punga de plastic plina cu pesti colorati.
Cainele a mirosit punga si a inceput sa sara in sus de bucurie.
In cele din urma m-am intors acasa si am gatit pesti in multe feluri.

Răspuns :

In a Sunday morning during the game I was playing with my cousins near the lake I saw two people fishing in two motor boats. One of them was wearing a t-shirt and black jeans.
The other had shoes and a raincover.
During they catched fish I visited them and I asked to give me some fish because i like them and I was hungry.
Both of them smiled and they gave me a plastic bag full of colorful fish.
The dog smelled the bag and it was very happy.
I turned back home and I cooked the fish in many recipes.