My daily schedule means that I get up at 7 a.m. After my 5 minutes of morning gymnastics, I go to the bathroom, I wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I get dressed and I make my bed. After I'm done with that, I go and have breakfast.
While I'm eating breakfast, I turn on the TV to listen to some music. Meanwhile, the clock ticks to 7:35 and it's time for me to go to school, because classes start at 8. I go to my class. If i have 6 classes that day, I have to stay in school until 1.40 in the afternoon. After school, I go home.
My house is close to the school, so I walk there instead of taking public transportation.
When I get home, I change my clothes, rest for a little while, and if I'm hungry, I eat something. Then I go and do my homework, and if there's any time left, I go outside.
After that, I eat dinner and watch a little TV.
At around 11 o'clock I start getting ready for the next day, then I go to bed.
And this is how my day ends.
***vezi ca ti-am schimbat unele chestii pe ici pe colo, ca sa sune mai bine in engleza, dar am pastrat sensul a tot ceea ce ai scris tu mai sus**