
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in engleza!!
Azorel se intalni cu Yo-yo care i-a dat o veste ingrozitoare.
O fabrica de bombe nu are ce sa caute in orasul nostru.
Hai sa mergem acolo!
Cum il ajutam pe Yo-yo?
Se pare ca deja au inceput lucrarile.
Folosindu-si puterea de a fi invizibila,Ana se duce in recunoastere.
Am vazut planurile in camere Generarului.Exista o usa prin spate pe unde putem intra.

Răspuns :

Azorel has met Yo-yo that gave him awful news.
A bomb factory has no place in our town.
let's go there!
How do we help Yo-yo?
It seems that the works have already started.
Using her ability to become invisible , Ana is going into recognition.
I've seen the plans in the General's room . There is a backdoor from where we can enter in.