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Kids between the ages of 9-13 usually celebrate with style. You might take a group of your friends to the ice-skating rink for an afternoon. Usually your name is announced by the deejay at the rink and you have cake, ice cream and presents there. You could also rent a swimming pool for an afternoon and have the party there. There is also a very popular restaurant for birthdays, called Chuck E Cheese , where kids can eat lots of pizza and play games for hours.

Răspuns :

Copiii intre 9 si 13 ani de obicei isi petrec elegant ziua de nastere. Poti sa-ti inviti grupul de prieteni la patinoar intr-o dupa amiaza. Acolo numele tau e anuntat de obicei de catre DJ si poti avea prajituri, inghetata si cadouri. Ai putea, de asemenea, sa inchiriezi o piscina pentru o dupa amiaza si sa organizezi acolo petrecerea. Exista, de asemenea, un restaurant for popular pentru zile de nastere, numit Chuck E Cheese (antricot si branza), unde copiii pot manca o multime de pizza si se pot juca ore intregi.