
Am mare nevoie de ajutor ! Trebuie tradusa in engleza aceasta poveste..Sau , daca puteti , macar o parte din ea .. Raman datoare , promit !! O tanara fata este lasata singura acasa impreuna cu cainele ei.Odata cu venirea noptii,ea incuie usa si toate ferestrele in afara de cea de la subsol.Dupa epuizantul efort depus,intra in dormitor sa se culce,iar cainele isi ocupa strategic locul langa patul fetei.Pe la miezul noptii,fata se trezeste si aude un sunet ca si cum ceva ar picura in baie.O cuprinde frica si nu indrazneste sa se dea jos din pat si sa vada care e cauza zgomotului;asa ca isi lasa o mana sa cada din pat pentru a simti blana calda a cainelui.Simte cum cainele ii linge mana asa ca se linisteste si reuseste sa adoarma.Sunetul o retrezeste la scurt timp insa cainele o linisteste pentru a doua oara langandu-i mana.Dimineata fata se trezeste mai devrerme din curiozitate pentru a afla care fusese sursa zgomotului din noaptea tocmai incheiata.Cu cat se apropia mai mult de baie,cu atat sunetul se auzea mai tare.Aprinde lumina..OROARE! Cainele zace in cada strangulat cu furtunul de la dus si cu gatul taiat din care curgeau picaturi de sange.Se intoarce ingrozita si vede pe oglinda scris cu sangele cainelui "SI OAMENII POT LINGE."

Răspuns :

I owe, I promise !! A young girl left alone at home with the dog ei.Odata by nightfall, she locks the door and all windows except the one in subsol.Dupa exhausting effort, went into the bedroom to sleep and the dog takes its strategic location near the bed face. At midnight, the girl wakes up and hears a sound like such a drop in baie.O include fear and dare not get out of bed and see what's causing the noise, so they let a hand fall out bed to feel the warm fur as the dog licked cainelui.Simte hand so it settles down and manages to adoarma.Sunetul renews a dog but soon settles down for a second time langandu them devrerme mana.Dimineata girl awakens in curiosity to find out who was the source of noise at night is just as incheiata.Cu closer to the bathroom, the sound was heard in May tare.Aprinde lumina..OROARE! The dog lies strangled in the bathtub with the shower hose and having their throats cut in flowing sange.Se drops back and sees the mirror terrified written with the blood dog "and people can lick off."
a young girl she and his dog thei are left home alone.when the nicht come,s she loks the door and all the windows but not the bacemount door.after she did all this she<s going in his bedroom to sleep and the dog ......... her bed. ON THE MEEDNICHT THE GIRL,S WAKE,S UP AND SHE HERE SOME SOUND,S COMNG FROM THE BATHROOM.