
cum se traduce textul in englaza:
At about eleven o'clock I went upstairs again.Dressed in pyjamas ,the girls were all lying on the beds talking.The cassette was playing,all the cakes and pizza were gone .You'd better go to sleep',I said.There was no answer.Half an hour later,there was great laughter and the noise of pillows falling.;Don't you think they're going a bit wild?'my husband said .'What are they doing now?'he asked.'The pillow fight has started,'said Alan.I went to the foot of the stairs to call up to the girls to be quiet.Not long after midnight they finally fell asleep...

Răspuns :

Pe la ora 11 am mers la etaj din nou.Imbracate in pijamale,fetele erau intinse pe pat vorbind.Caseta merge,toate prajiturile si pizza s-au dus!Mai bine v-ati culca am spus eu.Nu am primit niciun raspuns.Dupa o ora si jumatate s-au auzis zgomote de bataie cu perne.Nu crezi ca au luat-o un pic razna?A spus sotul meu.Ce fac acum?a intrebat el(sotul)Bataia cu perne a innceput a spus Alan.Am, mers la capatul scarilor ca sa le spun fetelor sa fie mai tacute.Nu mult dupa miezul noptii intr-un final au adormit!
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Este ceasul 11