
Cockroaches eat everything.They often live inside tv s where they eat electrical wires and listen to Bugs Bunny. Cockroaches sleep during the day, so if you want to see one leave some food out at night.In the middle of the night, go into to kitchen and switch on the light.They hate bright lights and try to run under the fridge. Move fast if you want to catch one in your hand.dau coroana!!!

Răspuns :

gandacii de bucatarie mancanca de toate.De obicei traiesc inaurtrul televizoarelor unde ei mananca cabluri electrice si asculta Buggs Bunny.Gandacii de bucatarie dorm in timpul zilei deci daca vrei sa vezi unul lasa putina mancare la noapte.La miezul noptii du-te in bucatarie si aprinde lumina.Ei urasc lumina becului si incearca sa fuga sub frigider.Mergi rapid daca vrei sa prinzi unul in mana!

Cu placere! ;)