
Put the words in the correct other to make questions

1) when / the / helped / was / last / you / time / anybody ?
2)was / the / were / last / you / when / anybody / helped / by / time ?
3) people /help /should /each /why / other ?
4)person /you /is /the /know /kindest /who ?
5)kind /do /behave / people /how ?

Răspuns :

1. When was the last time you helped anybody? (Cand a fost ultima oara cand ai ajutat pe cineva?)
2. When was the last time you were helped by anybody? (Cand a fost ultima oara cand ai fost ajutat de cineva?)
3. Why should people help each other? (De ce ar trebui oamenii sa se ajute intre ei?)
4. Who is the knidest person you know? (Cine este cea mai buna persoana pe care o cunosti?)
5. How kind do people behave? (Cat de bine se comporta oamenii?)