
COROANAAA! URGEENT ! am nevoie de traducerea acestui text !
'In timpul scolii ma trezesc la ora 8 , 8-30 . ma ridic din pat , merg ma spal pe dinti , pe fata si iau micul dejun . Imi fac temele si imi invatat . Daca imi ramane timp ma joc putin pe telefon. Iau pranzul apoi ma pregatesc de scoala. La ora 1 plec . Vin acasa la ora 8 , ma schimb , iau cina , imi fac baie si ma uit putin la TV . Daca am teme usoare le fac de seara , daca nu le las pentru urmatoarea zi . Ma mai uit putin la Tv si ma culc .
In week-end ma trezesc la ora 9:30 , 10 . imi fac rutina de dimineata , iau micul dejun si stau in pat . Ma joc la calculator . Pe la 1 iau pranzul apoi stau putin in pat . Citesc si imi fac temele . Stau cu cea mai buna prietena a mea si ne jucam diferite jocuri . La 8 iau cina . Imi fac baie si ma uit la TV . Pe la 10:30, 11 ma culc.'

Răspuns :

" During school I wake up at 8 , 8-30 . get out of bed , go I brush my teeth , face and have breakfast . I do my homework and I learned . If I 'm playing a little time left on your phone. Lunch and then get ready for school . At one go. Come home at 8 , get changed , have dinner , I bathe and watch less TV . If I make the evening light themes , if not leave them for the next day. I just watch less TV and go to sleep . On weekends I wake up at 9:30 , 10 . I make my morning routine , have breakfast and stay in bed . I play on the computer . On 1 and lunch and then stay in bed a little . I read and do homework. I hang out with my best friend and we play different games. 8 dinner . I bathe and watch TV . 10:30 On 11 go to sleep . '