
Ma ajuta si pe mine cineva cu traducerea acestor fragmenete ? 1.,, Piccadilly Circus is on of the busiest junctions in the city and the heart of Loondon's
theatreland. The fountain with the statue of Eros on top is a favorite meeting place for young people . At night , the Circus becomes a mass of coloured changing lights . " 2. ,, Dowing Street has been the home of the British Prime Minister since 1732. It is the symbol of British political power . " 3. ,, The Barbican Arts Centre is a good example of modern architecture in Britain . The complex of glass , concrete and steel buildings includes a concert hall , a theatre and art galleries ."

Răspuns :

Piccadilly Circus este una dintre cele mai aglomerate intersectii ale orasului si e inima teatrelor din Londra.Fantana cu statuia lui Eros in varf e locul favorit de intalnire al tinerilor.Noaptea Circus devine o masa de culori care se schimba mereu.
2.Strada Dowing a fost casa primului ministru englez inca din 1732.Ea reprezinta simbolul puterii politice.
3.Centrul de arte The Barbican este un exemplu viu al arhitecturii moderne britanice.Complexul de cladiri din sticla,beton si otel are un hol pt concerte ,galerii de arta si teatru.