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O Calatorie
Astazi voi pleca impreuna cu elevi la Brasov! Fiecare isi pregateste bagajele si isi i-a ramas bun de la familie! Ne intalnim in gara si plecam cu trenul! Vom sta la Brasov 3 zile! Toti am adormit in tren! Cand am ajuns ne-am cazat si am despachetat,iar apoi am plecat in oras! Am fost intr-un parc pana seara la ora douasprezece! Am venit acasa si ne-am culcat! Baieti au stat treji pana la 3 dimineata! Asa ca doamna i-a sculat la ora 6 si i-a udat afara cu apa rece! Dupa ce ne-am sculat toti! Trei fete au plecat cu doamna la magazin si am facut micul dejun! Am fost la gradina zoologica , iar apoi am mers si ne-am cumparat inghetata si am mers iarasi in parc. Mai tarziu am mers la o pizzerie si am macat o pizza cu de toate a fost delicioasa! Ne-am mai plimbat si ne-am distrat grozav! In ultima zi am vizitat cateva lucruri de exemplu Castelul Bran si altele! Inspre seara am plecat cu trenul inapoi acasa! Cand am ajuns eram tristi pentru ca s-a terminat calatoria dar ne-a trecut! Parintii ne asteptau si ne-au dus acasa!
Asa a fost in excursie!

Răspuns :

A trip
Today I will go with schoolmates to Brasov!Everyone are packing their bags and say goodbye to their parents!We meet at the station and leave with the train!We will stay at Brasov 3 days!Everyone fell asleep in the train!When we arrived we rented and unpacked,after that we went in the city!we were in a park till night at 12 o'clock!We came home and went to bed!The boys were awake till 3 o'clock in the morning!So miss woke them at 6 o'clock and wet them with cold water!After everyone woke up!Three girls went with Miss at the shop and had breakfast!We were to the zoo,after that we went to buy ice-cream and went again in the park.Later we went to a pizzeria and ate a pizza with a lot of toppings and it was delicious!We walked and had fun!In the last day  we wisited  some monuments,for example The Bran Fortress and other!To night we went with the train home!When we arrived  we were sad beacuse the trip finished but passed it!Our parents waited us and took us home!
That's how it went at the trip!