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Charilw Bucket lived with his parentis,his maternal grandparents,Grandpa George anda Grandma Georgiana,and his paternal gradparents,Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine.They all lived together in a small house which wasn't nearlu large enough for so many people.There were only two rooms and one bed.All the grandparents slept in one bed one Charile and his parents slept on the floor in the other room.
They were very poor. They were always cold and always hungry. The only food theu had was bread and margarine for breakfast,boiled potatoes and cabbage for lunch and cabbage sounp for supper.
All Charlie really wanted was CHOCOLATE.
But he only ever got a bar once a year on his brithday.And what was worse for Charlie,was he always passed the gates of an enormous chocolate factory on his way home frome school.
One evering Charlie asked his grandparents about the factory proprietor,Mr. Willy Wonka


Răspuns :

Charlie Bucket traia impreuna cu parintii lui, bunicii lui din partea mamei, bunicul George si bunica Georgiana, si bunicii din partea tatalui, bunicul Joe si bunica Josephine. Ei toti traiau impreuna in o casa mica care nu era nici pe departe atat de mare pentru atat de multe persoane. Existau doar doua camere si un pat. Toti bunicii dormeau in pat, Charlie si parintii lui dormeau pe jos in cealalta camera. Erau foarte saraci. Le era totimpul frig si foame. Singura mancare pe care o aveau era paine si margarina pentrh micul dejun, cartofi fierti si salata pentru pranz si supa de salata pentru cina.
Tot ceea ce Charlie chiar voia era CIOCOLATA.
Dar el primea doar o singura data pe an, de ziua lui. Si ce era si mai rau pentru Charlie era ca trecea intotdeauna pe langa portile unei fabrici uriase de ciocolata in drumul lui de la scoala spre casa.
Intr-o seara Charlie si-a intrebat bunicii despre proprietarul fabricii, domnul Willy Wonka