
Help me ! Traduceti in engleza urmatorul text ! ( nu folositi google translate ) . Comuna Pui ese o comuna mare de care apartin 11 sate cu oameni foarte multi . Fiecare sat dispune de un mijloc de transport cum ar fi autopuzul . In comuna se mai gaseste un alt mijloc de transport, trenul . Eu cel mai des merg cu autobuzul deoarce in cursul saptamani merg la scoala ci el iar cu trenul merg foarte rar . Eu sunt multumita ca exista un mijloc de transport deoarece daca nu ar exista nici un mijloc de transport ar fi foarte greu pentru ca ar trebui sa merg pe jos la scoala si este foarte departe !

Răspuns :

The Pui Commune is a large town to which 11 villages belong, with many people. Each village has a means of transportation such as the bus. In the commune there is another means of transportation, namely the train. I often use the bus, because during the week I go to school, and I rarely go by train. I'm glad there is a means of transportation, because if there weren't one, it would be very difficult for me to get to school, since I'd have to walk to get there and it is very far away.