


The final broadcast is then carefully planned.It is prepared in the same way as other programmes.The presenter decides what to say and in what order to say it.Next a ''story board'' is drawn up which lays out the script word for word.What makes a weather forecast more complicated than other programmes are the maps and electronic images which are requiered.The computer has to be programmed so that the pictures appear in the correct order during the bulletin.

The time allocated for each broadcast can also alter.This is because the weather report is screened after the nws , which can vary in lenght.The weather forecaster doesn't always know how much time is available ,which means that he/she has to be thouroughly prepared so that the material can be adapted to the time available.

Răspuns :

Salut. Sunt Kazusk de pe Brainly (telefon)

Paragraf 1: Ultima transmisiune este planuita cu atentie. E pregatita in asa fel ca si alte programe TV. Prezentatorul decide ce sa spuna, si in ce ordine sa spuna. Dupa aceea, se redacteaza o tabla/un ecran care stabileste script-ul cuvant cu cuvant. Ceea ce face un buletin meteo dificil este echipamentul de care este nevoie. Computerul trebuie programat in asa fel incat imaginile sa apara in ordine, la momentul potrivit de-a lungul transmisiunii.

Paragraf 2: Timpul alocat transmisiunii poate altera(schimba/modifica). Cauza faptului este ca buletinul meteo se transimte imediat dupa stiri ce poate varia lungimea fluxului. Prezentatorul nu stie intotdeauna cat timp are la dispozitie pentru a-si prezenta materialul ceea ce inseamna ca el/ea trebuie sa fie pregatit de-a lungul transmisiunii pentru a prezenta materialul in timpul disponibil.

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