
De completat cuvintele urmatoare in propozitiile: CUVINTE: to lower, to dispel, survival, to become, to fulfil, therapy, to treat, to undergo, to reduce, disease, to stroke, mentally ( 12 cuvinte)
1) .............. obsessed with.

2) ...........sth with suspicion.

3) ............disturbed.

4) ............sessions.

5) heart..................

6) ..............blood pressure

7) ......... dental treatment

8) ..........basic human needs

9) ..........a cat

10) .........rate

11) .........anxiety

12) .........tension

Răspuns :

to stroke whit suspicion to reduce disturbed mentaly sesion heart theraphy the fullfil blood presure to dispel dental treaitment to threat human needs to dispel a cat to survival rate to stroke anxiety to lower tension