
va rog sa imi traduceti in engleza; am fost invitata impreuna cu prietena mea la o petrecere.Acolo ne-am distrat ,am dansat ,ne-am facut prieteni noi dar pe parcursul petrecerii am observat ca prietena mea nu ma mai baga in seama.Nu prea am dat asa mare importanta.Cand am vazut ca aproape nu mai vorbeste cu mine am vorbit cu ea si i-am cerut o explicatie.ea prin comportamentul ei m-a facut sa inteleg ca isi facuse o alta prietena mai buna decat eram eu.Am considerato ca p o sora dar dupa toate cele intamplate nu am mai vrut sa vorbesc cu ea.

Răspuns :

I was invited with my girlfriend at petrecere.Acolo we had fun, we danced, we made new friends during the party but I noticed that my friend put me in seama.Nu not have given so much importance. when I saw that almost did not talk to me I talked to her and I asked her a explicatie.ea behavior made me realize that another friend had made better than I eu.Am considerato OP sister but after all what happened I did not want to talk to her.