
Traducerea scrisorii va rog: Draga Tom, Imediat ce am aflat ca vrei sa vi in vizita in Romania, m-am gandit sa-ti dau cateva detalii despre origini, mijloacele de transport, mancare si ce poti face in timpul liber. Te sfatuiesc sa nu mergi cu mijloacele de transport in comun, pentru ca acestea sunt de cel mai multe ori aglomerate,dar nu toate, in schimb daca iti place sa faci miscare, te poti plimba pe jos sau cu bicicleta. Sper sa-ti place mancarea noastra traditionala romaneasca si sa te faca sa nu mai pleci de aici. Iar daca ai putin timp liber trebuie sa vizitezi cateva locuri turistice cum ar fi: Castelul Bran,Castelul Peles si cateva mari orase ca:Sibiu,Cluj,Bucuresti, Brasov, etc.Sper sa-ti placa aici.

Răspuns :

Dear Tom,
Right when I found out that you want to come visit Romania , I was thinking to give you some details about origins, means of transportation , food and what you can do in your free time. I suggest you don't go with means of transportation ion comun , because these are much times crowded , but not all of them , instead if you like to do move , you can walk or you can go with your bike . I hope you like our traditional romanian food and make stay here and if you have some free time you have to visit some turistic places such as : The Bran Castle, Peles Castle and some of the biggest cities like : Sibiu, Cluj, Bucuresti, Brasov etc. I hope you like it . ( sper sa fie bine :3 )
Dear Tom,
Right when I found out that you want to come visit Romania , I was thinking to give you some details about origins, means of transportation , food and what you can do in your free time. I suggest you don't go with means of transportation ion comun , because these are much times crowded , but not all of them , instead if you like to do move , you can walk or you can go with your bike . I hope you like our traditional romanian food and make stay here and if you have some free time you have to visit some turistic places such as : The Bran Castle, Peles Castle and some of the biggest cities like : Sibiu, Cluj, Bucuresti, Brasov etc. I hope you like it .