
Imi traduceti si mie in engleza va rog !!!
Acum trei luni cea mai frumoasa fiica a anului ne-a adus in dar minunata vacanta
Mie toate vacantele mi se par speciale dar aceasta a fost cu adevarat unica . Sau asa mi s-a parut mie . Momentele frumoase petrecute cu prietenii din copilarie , mi-au ramas intiparite in suflet ca niste amintiri de nepretuit . In timpul liber mi-am gasit diferite activitati interesante pentru a nu ma plictisi .

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Răspuns :

Three months ago the most beautiful daughter of the year bought us as a gift a wonderful holiday.
I think all holidays are special, but this one was trully unique. Or so I thought. The beautiful moments spent with my childhood friends remaind in my heart as priceless memories.In my spare time I found various intersting activities to not get bored.
sper ca e bine 
Three months ago, the most beautiful daughter of the year, gave to us , as a gift, the holiday. For me, all holidays are special, but this one was truly unique, or it seems to be. The beautiful moments ,spent with my friends from childhood,have left in my soul as some priceless memories. In my free time i've found many interesting activites to not get bored.