
Puteti sa imi traduceti textul in engleza ?

Astazi am plecat la o pestera care nu se afla departe de tabara noastra. Inauntrul pesterii este intuneric , asa ca noi nu am intrat. In apropiere se vede o cascada frumoasa, iar in stanga ei sunt niste stanci destul de mari . In departare nu se mai vede nimic decat copaci . In dreapta noastra ,dupa niste tufisuri pline cu flori colorate, este o groapa cu o adancime destul de mare,iar pe cer in inaltime se vad niste vulturi mari si frumosi. Privelistea este minunata!

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Răspuns :

Today we went to a cave which was not too far from our camp. Inside the cave it was dark, so we didn`t enter. Near the cave we saw a beautiful waterfall with some pretty big rocks on its left side. In the distance you could see nothing but trees. On our right side, behind some bushes full of colourful flowers there was a really big whole. On the sky there were some big and beautiful eagles. The scenery was amazing!