
De tradus fara google translate:
Cainele este foarte adorabil deoarece are ochii mici si sclipitori care te fac sa te joci . Cainele este si credincios fiindca isi apara stapanul astfel nu numai ca devine galagios dar de asemenea si fioros uneori dar si loial . El este foarte prietenos deoarece ii place sa cunoasca oameni noi cu care sa se joace .Atunci cand ai un caine ai mai multe responsabilitati : trebuie scos la plimbare si trebuie ingrijit .

Răspuns :

The dog is very cute,because it has small and sparking eyes wich make u play with him.Dogs are brave because they defend the owner.As well a dog can be very loud and loyal.It is very friendly because it likes to meet new people to play wih.When you have a dog you have lot of responsibility's:you need to go with him outside and u need to be careful with him