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Programul meu zilnic este unul simplu, dar totusi complex. In fiecare dimineata ma trezesc la ora 6:30. Imi aleg cu grija hainele, ma pregatesc, si apoi iau micul dejun in bucatarie, cu familia mea.Apoi tatal meu obisnuieste sa ma duca cu masina pana la scoala, unde ma intalnesc cu colegii mei. In pauze stau langa prieteni, vorbind cu ei multe lucruri, iar in timpul orelor ma straduiesc sa inteleg cat mai multe.Dupa scoala, ajung acasa, si ma odihnesc, stand pe pat. Dupa-masa imi scriu temele cu atentie, si invat, dupa care imi petrec timpul liber facand diverse activitati cu prietenii, in aer liber sau in casa. Spre seara, ma uit la televizor. Cina o iau cu familia, la ora 7, iar apoi stau pe calculator. La ora 10:00 adorm, de obicei.
Acesta este programul meu zilnic, si consider ca este unul bun.

Răspuns :

My daily schedule is simple, but yet complex. Every morning I wake up at 6:30. I  carefully choose my clothes, getting ready, and then take breakfast in the kitchen with my family.Then my dad use to take me by car until school, where I'm meeting my classmates. in breaks I'm staying with my friends, talking with them lots of stuff,and during class hours I'm trying to understand as much as possible.After school, I get home,get some rest, sitting on the bed. In the afternoon I'm writing my homework carefully, and study, after that I'm spending my free time doing various activities with friends, outside or in the house. In the evening, I'm watching T.V. Dinner I take it with family, at 7 o'clock, and then navigate on the computer. At 10 o'clock sleep, usually.
This is my daily schedule, and I think that is a good one.