
Cine poate sa imi traduca in engleza : 
Vreau sa-ti povestesc despre o nouă discoteca la care am fost. Muzica a fost aleasa briliant ,mi-a placut foarte mult, la fel si luminile care te faceau sa te simti fantastic .ringul de dans era plin de oameni care se miscau incredibile. Dj-ul a mixat foarte bine muzica,m-am distrat extraordinar dansand impreuna cu prietenii mei. A fost o seara magnifica.  

Răspuns :

I want to tell you about a new disco in which I was. The music was brilliant, chosen I liked very much, so the lights that make you feel fantastic. dance floor was full of incredible ammenities. The Dj has played very well, I had great dances along with my friends. It was A magnificent evening.  
I want to tell you about a new disco that was. Music was chosen brilliant, I really enjoyed, as well as lights that makes you feel fantastic. Dance floor was full of people who moved incredible. The DJ played great music, great dancing I had fun with my friends. It was a magnificent evening.